Digital Identity: A First Impression
Choosing content to share on your website and social media channels is a challenge. Maintaining consistency in your school's values requires a Digital Marketing Plan, guiding your decisions in sharing a variety of content.
I recently made suggestions for Independent Schools to properly and effectively communicate their Mission Statement online. In creating an online identity, I'd like to further emphasize using your school's Mission Statement as a guide.
Digital media speaking to a Mission Statement creates a unique website appearance. In this post, I will tell you how to simplify your social media efforts using "Mission Statement Storytelling" as a key component to increase first-time website viewers.
How Does it Look?
There are many wonderful blogs that will explain how storytelling is done. However, I want to show you, using quotes from students attending a small Independent School in New York as an example. All of the photos you see are not from the school, and are only used as examples. All students' names are not real.
I am going to focus on one section of "Hailey's School's Mission Statement," regarding academic confidence. You can read "Hailey's School's Mission Statement" excerpt below, and the captions attached to the photos.
Hailey's School nurtures confidence in young learners for excellence in their academics.
"Coming to the library and working with my friends helps me get my projects finished on time. I really like the librarians because they know History is my hardest subject, and always want to show me the best resources to use for my papers." - Joe X, Ninth Grade Student
Picture your written Mission Statement on the top of a page on your website. Then, show visuals of what each area of the Mission Statement looks like at your school. Add captions as I did. Rotate content every 4-6 months with updated captions. Now you have visuals accompanied by text to further demonstrate student achievement.
"My teachers have fun activities for us in class to get out of our seats and go to the board. Also, if I make a mistake, no one ever laughs at me. My classmates and my teachers are all on my side." - Jill C, Seventh Grade Student
Further Suggestions
Take photos of students performing in your Drama Department, or in the classroom. Interview three students by reading them your Mission Statement, and asking them to relate it to their experience at your school, as I did. Student testimonials prove your Mission Statement.
Another creative idea is placing the quotes on the photos you post, using the easy and free design websites I like, You can see how I used the Gowan Group logo on each photo and added text.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, and billions on social media. In starting your Mission Statement Storytelling page, think as if you are a prospective parent. Ask yourself, would this photo on social media make you want to visit the school's website? Would you inquire about the next Open House, or possibly contact the school to take a tour?
If you are enthusiastic about the tremendous strides your students are making, so will prospective parents. Your enthusiasm is contagious, especially with the help of social media.
Additionally, you now have incredible photos to share on social media! Two-in-one strategy.
- Your daily social media maintenance is completed.
- You just brought life to your Mission Statement.
For more information, contact Hailey Feldman, Director of Digital Marketing, or connect via Twitter, @haileyefeldman.
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Celebrating Growth Entering our Fifth Year