Our practice is built on five tenets.

The Gowan Group promise to Independent Schools is that whether they require a two-day workshop for their Admission team or a complete Admission Audit, in-depth data-based research or the creation of a Strategic Plan, our solutions will be innovative and our follow-through will be thorough. The Gowan Group advantage is that we can provide expert advice and strategies at every level of your Independent School culture, and we stay by your side throughout the implementation process. Our comprehensive approach ignites shared vision, aspirations, and tactics that unite entire school communities and break down silos.

Long-standing partnerships are built on trust and respect

Gowan Group will remain engaged with your school as long as is necessary, offering constant accessibility for your team. We will learn about you, work side-by-side towards the achievement of a common goal and will stay with you until the work is done. We believe in relationships, because let’s face it…we are a more effective team when we work together.

Before we can map out where we are going, we must first know where we are

Enrollment Management is about coordinating different offices in a school to develop a map to increasing a school’s enrollment with the most appropriate students and families. Recruitment and retention, financial assistance, marketing and communications must combine their efforts. But before we map out where we are going, we must first acknowledge who we are. Gowan Group’s process is based on understanding who you are as a school community and defining and communicating a consistent message to your target audience.


Research and Strategy together develop quantifiable results

We perform in-depth research through demographic studies, audits, focus groups, surveys, interviews and analysis to assist us in providing the necessary data to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for you. This will result in a larger more appropriate candidate pool from which to draw.

Professional Development is critical for all of us to continue learning and growing

The Gowan Group is an ardent supporter of professional development; I believe as communities we must always learn and grow. Our admissions guidance programs are based on teaching skills that will allow your admissions office to evolve, and, in turn, increase your enrollment. More than that — the enrollment management process will provide the vehicle for your school to learn and grow together. It is an inclusive process that will solidify and strengthen your community.

We have assembled a team of experts that is unparalleled in the world of Independent School strategic planning, marketing, enrollment management, fundraising, data collection and much more.

The Gowan Group will assist you in crafting the precise story that properly reflects your school’s mission, values, heritage and ethos. Through a detailed and thorough demographic report and marketing/communication audits, we will assist you in marketing that message to the right audience so your school can achieve its enrollment goals.