
Alzar School Chooses Gowan Group

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Alzar School is an incredible school; we are so excited to be working with them! Located in Boise, Idaho, Alzar is a semester school for highly accomplished students in their sophomore and junior years. Its focus is on quality academics, outdoor leadership and cultural exchange all in front of the backdrop of the Idaho landscape and wilderness, plus a month long expedition in Chile. 

Gowan Group will perform extensive research, marketing and the geographic expansion of Alzar's student body. We started working with Alzar in August and will continue working closely with them through February, 2019. We are thrilled to welcome Alzar to our client family here at Gowan.

The Williams School Selects Gowan Group!


The Williams School is a 6th-12thgrade independent school in New London, CT. Williams opened in 1891 and has been living its mission ever since. The School is committed to a strong liberal arts curriculum, which emphasizes outstanding writing, communication, problem-solving and collaboration skills. 

In order to continue its current strength and steadfast focus on children, Williams hired Gowan Group to perform extensive research and analysis of several elements of their program. Gowan Group has recently begun its work with Williams and will continue throughout the fall and into December. 

We are so grateful to be working alongside the fabulous and effective leadership team at Williams and welcome them as new clients.

Using Data to Determine and Market Your School's Value

With the current, erratic economy and enrollment being a constant challenge, building a sustainable business model for independent schools should be a focus for trustees, heads of schools and business managers. School sustainability finds itself at the intersection of program audits, data collection, income generation and stabilized tuition. The below presentation will explore how a comprehensive program audit can produce a more effective and efficient program and new income generation, which could lead to future tuition stabilization.

With both tuition and competition constantly increasing, it is imperative that schools accurately communicate their program's value. Value is the differentiator and by properly identifying it...schools can dramatically improve recruitment and retention. Our Research Department developed a satisfaction and importance survey to determine a school's value. Further, by analyzing the data, we can strategize ways in which to communicate with your different constituent groups AND to fit your school's brand. 

Below is a presentation we delivered at the AISAP Annual Conference in Nashville this Summer. Take a look and be in contact with us, if you want to have a free consultation and learn how your school can better identify and communicate its value.