
How To Make College Better, And Why We Need To...

Yes, I know he is my brother, but John Pryor's ideas on improving schools make such sense and support my long-standing theories on 21st Century Skills. Spend the next 15 minutes listening to and learning from one of the greats. Enjoy. [embed]http://[/embed]

What Lurks Behind Your Data?

Recently, I watched a Ted Talk and I found it spot on as far as how we should bring relevance to data. Because schools are becoming evermore data driven in making decisions, I think it's wise to understand the story behind the data and ask ourselves the hard questions. Susan Etlinger delivered her Ted Talk, What Do We Do with All This Big Data?, from both her head and her heart. She not only shared why learning from data is critical in making decisions, she underscored the importance of telling the story behind the data, which makes the numbers even more relevant. Etlinger states, "data doesn’t create meaning…. we do." I not only agree with her on the data side, I encourage her on the personal side. We have an opportunity to practice our critical thinking skills. We have an opportunity to think, to question, to understand. But, more importantly, we have a responsibility to report data supported by context.


Etlinger urges us to add context to our data, to use our critical thinking skills and to ask the hard questions. "Did the data really show us this or did the result make us feel more successful and more comfortable?"

As you watch, begin thinking of how you present your data to your board, your Head of School or your marketing committee. Are you making the numbers relevant? Are you allowing the data to come alive with a story? If so, you are on your way towards making stronger connections and better decisions, making data more relevant and useful and making headway in the competitive world of admissions.

Visit our site and call me to learn more about how Gowan Group brings relevance and significance to data for schools when we perform demographic studies and marketing, communications and admissions audits.

Dan Pink on Sales and His Ultimate Impact on Schools

I bet Dan Pink never knew he was going to be a thought leader in the world of independent school education, but he sure is. From his thoughts on right brain thinking or how to motivate people to his newest insight on sales, independent schools should be reading Pink very carefully. In these two videos Dan Pink shares his insight on how the world of sales has changed. Admissions offices can learn a great deal from the corporate world of sales and how to market themselves. Take a look for yourself and see what you think. And, by the way, Gowan Group trains admissions professionals in the traditional art of sales. In fact, it is one of our four basic tenets.

Professional Development is critical for all of us to continue learning and growing: Throughout my career as a head of school, I was an ardent supporter of professional development; I believe as communities we must always learn and grow. Our admissions guidance programs are based on teaching skills that will allow your admissions office to evolve, and, in turn, increase your enrollment. More than that – the enrollment management process will provide the vehicle for your school to learn and grow together. It is an inclusive process that will solidify and strengthen your community.