We understand schools are concerned about many things right now. One important concern is how to stay connected with the community while being temporarily closed and nobody is allowed on campus. Connection and communication are critical for retention and recruitment purposes. Schools can continue to prove their value to both current and prospective families during this unprecedented time. We know admissions offices are holding virtual tours and virtual revisit days, but we wanted to offer a few more creative ideas.
Stay connected through social distancing with social media!
Get creative with content. Here are ten considerations for schools on how to remain connected through social media:
1. Offer calming and reassuring messages about being away from the regular routine and using distance learning. Ask for feedback!
2. Display messages about what the school is doing to stay safe… deep cleaning, monitoring the updates from the CDC, hosting International students…
3. Continue to post messages about the school’s value for prospective families. They are still making enrollment decisions. Share student success stories.
4. Post short videos from current students addressed to prospective students about why they should enroll for the Fall.
5. Play School trivia about the history of the school or present a mystery faculty member.
6. Post pictures of students at home thriving on distance learning.
7. Teach about the School’s history through pictures and important historical events.
8. Use faculty “spotlight” profiles to showcase the talent on the faculty (great for prospective families!)
9. Post pictures of the campus (buildings, fun events from the year.)
10. Repost great moments in sports from the year giving accolades to the athletes and coaches.
Communication is critical now for both re-enrollment and recruitment. Schools must continue to show the school’s value. The above ideas will work for every school. Contact Gowan Group for “school specific” content ideas or to freshen-up your value statement. It is more critical now than ever. Go to our CONTACT page and send us an email!