Gowan Group is pleased to announce that Feyman School in Bethesda, MD has chosen Gowan Group to lead their search for a new Director of Admissions and Financial Aid. A new school of five years old and approximately 60 students, Feynman is a small school by design as its mission is focused on teaching students who are designated as gifted learners. A progressive approach, a caring and supportive environment grounded in the philosophy of Richard Feynman, The Feynman School is poised to become one of the stalwart schools of its kind. The mission of the school states, “Feynman School is an independent co-educational school for academically gifted children in Bethesda, MD where bright, curious, creative children, surrounded by like minds, can explore their gifts and fulfill their potential.”
A position description is being prepared and will be available shortly. In the meantime, if you or someone you know may be interested in learning more about the search, please contact Chris Pryor at cpryor@thegowangroup.com. Gowan Group is honored to partner with Feynman School as they continue to establish themselves as one of the more forward thinking learning communities. Learn more about Feynman School here.